Have you been called by us?

NEMS Market Research is commissioned by a wide range of organisations to carry out research projects. In conducting this research, we make contact with many people each year throughout the UK and rely on the goodwill and voluntary co-operation of individuals in order to carry out the research. Below are answers to some of the common questions we are asked by members of the public regarding our telephone research.

Where did you get my telephone number from?

On most of the research studies we conduct, telephone numbers are generated using a process known as 'random digit dialling'; this involves generating a phone number by randomly adding the last set of digits to known valid area codes, On some projects we may also check against a database of known numbers to try and match further digits to guess a slightly more precise area. Other than approximate geographical location nothing else is known about the number and it may be a public phone, business number. This method of sampling is used to help ensure a representative cross-section of the public.

On some studies your contact details will have been provided by the organisation that has commissioned the research, for example a survey of members.

Your number may have also been sourced as part of either a telephone survey you have already taken part in or subscribed online to a website providing consumer information both of which would have required you to actively opt-in to further communication.

My telephone number is registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and/or BT Privacy Service to stop cold calls, so why are you calling me?

It is a legal requirement under The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (EC Directive) 2003 for organisations that are making unsolicited calls (cold calling) for sales or marketing purposes to filter those calls against the TPS register lists. There are however no legal or statutory requirements to filter calls for research purposes, as it is important on such consultation exercises that everyone has the opportunity for participation.

Our call to you was not intended to sell, market or provide details of any goods or services in any way, but to request your participation in a genuine research study. In conducting these studies, it is important to ensure that those taking part are as representative as possible of the target audience being researched. To exclude individuals with TPS registered phone numbers could potentially bias the results, and also deny you the opportunity of participating in this research, the results of which may impact on policies that affect you, or products and services that you use.

For more information please see the TPS Website.

Why is my opinion important?

We work for a wide range of public sector, private sector and third (charity) sector organisations who commission research to better understand people's needs and inform the development of products, services and policies. These outcomes could affect you, and as such your views and opinions are important in helping paint a balanced representative picture. I have further questions or a complaint regarding the contact, or would like to prevent further calls to my telephone number.

If we have contacted you recently and you have specific questions or complaints regarding our telephone contact , please contact us on telephone@nemsmr.com. This email address can also be used to request that we cease any further future calls to your telephone number (please remember to include the telephone number in the email).

Have you been interviewed by us?

First of all, thank you for taking part.

We asked you to help with our research because we are working for an organisation that needs to understand the people who are its ‘customers’. If you have been interviewed, please accept our thanks for your co-operation. If you felt unable to take part in our research, thank you all the same for a courteous refusal.

How Market and Social Research works.

Businesses and public bodies commission market and social research to obtain, on a scientific basis, a reliable picture of the people who make up the ‘market’. We select a representative cross-section of the public, to obtain the views of people in different age groups, occupations, etc. To meet these requirements, our interviewers are trained to high professional and ethical standards.

How Market and Social Research works

Businesses and public bodies commission market and social research to obtain, on a scientific basis, a reliable picture of the people who make up the ‘market’. We select a representative cross-section of the public, to obtain the views of people in different age groups, occupations, etc. To meet these requirements, our interviewers are trained to high professional and ethical standards.

Who benefits?

The bodies who commission research learn about their ‘market’, so they can offer what people need and want.

The people who make up the ‘market’ get products or services that are designed to meet their requirements. But neither of these parties may get anything of value without the people telling us their opinions.

Our responsibilities, your rights

To make sure we interview an accurate cross-section, we may ask you about your employment, income or your age. Your answers are strictly confidential; data protection legislation guarantees they will be used only for the purpose of the research. We ask for your name and address - so that we can contact a number of the people interviewed to check that the interview was carried out correctly.

You are in control. If you’d like to change your mind about your participation in this research, or do not wish to be contacted by us for research at a later date, all you have to do is call us on 01642 373355 or go to www.nemsmr.co.uk.

Your details will be kept in strict confidence; they will be given to someone else only if we have asked your permission and you have explicitly given it.

You can see how your personal data will be used by us here

The Market Research Society (MRS)

The Market Research Society (MRS) is the professional body for market and social researchers. This project is being conducted by an MRS Company Partner.

You can verify this by calling MRS Freephone 0800 975 9596 and giving the name of the organisation that interviewed you.

Under the MRS Code of Conduct, you have the right:

  • To know the purpose of the interview
  • To know who is interviewing you: The MRS Interviewer Identity Card gives the interviewer’s name, photograph and organisation
  • To end the interview at any point
  • To know that any personal information provided will only be used for the purposes about which you have been told


Some of our clients